Welcome to Vakacharthu!

"Yad aditya-gatam tejo
jagad bhasayate 'khilam
yac candramasi yac cagnau
tat tejo viddhi mamakam" (Bhagavad Gita)

"The splendor of the sun, which dissipates the darkness of this whole world, comes from Me. And the splendor of the moon and the splendor of fire are also from Me."

Meditation is when one shifts the attention from any thoughts to the "Light of consciousness" that keeps one aware of those thoughts.

Chant your namas, mantras or bhajans here on Vakacharthu. If you would like to join, please send an e-mail request to sreekrishnabhakthi@gmail.com

Hari OM!

Om Namo Narayanaya!

Om Namah Shivaya!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Geetha Govindam onnaam sargam (malayalam lyrics)

{io KoXm tKmhnµ almImhyw (Aã]Zn)

H¶mw kÀ¤w

tassLÀtaZpcaw_cw h\`ph:
\àw `oê:Abw Xztah XZnaw
cmt[ Krlw {]]mb
C°w \µ\ntZiXÝenXtbm:
{]Xy²z æRvP{Zpaw
cm[m am[htbm: Pb´n
bap\mæte cl: tIfb:

hmKvtZhXmNcnX Nn{XnX Nn¯kZvam
]ZvamhXo NcW NmcW N{IhÀ¯n
{iohmkptZh cXn tIfnIYmktaXw
GXw ItcmXn PbtZh Ihn: {]_Ôw

bZn lcnkvactW kckw at\m
bZn hnemkIem kpæXqlew
a[pc tImaf Im´ ]Zmhenw
iré XZm PbtZh kckzXow

hmN: ]ÃhbX|am]Xn[c:
kµÀ` ip²nw Kncmw
Pm\otX PbtZh Gh icW:
irwKmtcm¯c kXv{]tabcNss\:
BNmcy tKmhÀ[\
kv]À²o tIm]n \ hn{ipX:

{ipXn[tcm t[mbo Ihn £vam]Xn: